Google Tasks

I like doing a lot of things, and that means I have a lot of stuff to do that I need to remember. I used to create todo text files and that works oke, but you soon end up with a lot of files and the stuff is usually on your PC only. This means that when I get an idea or I remember something I want to do I can not add it to the list. Yes I can add it somewhere els and then merge it but it means I need to manage multiple input lists and eventually I will forget to merge something.

So I decided I need a change :) My criteria was:

  1. It needs to be stored online
  2. I need to be able to access it from my desktop (ubuntu)
  3. I need to be able to use it on my android

I was going to do a search and compare on the services online when I saw google tasks and just decided that was what I needed. It is stored online ,you can have an desktop a like app and it works on my android.
I can create todo tasks very easily, I can even have them an end date and the other good thing is I can sort them using different lists.

For android I use Gtasks see here

For my desktop I use this

alltray chromium-browser --app=""